Principal Investigator
Taehoon Shin
Department of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Office: Collaborative Research Building #356
E-mail: shinage AT
University of Maryland, Radiology, Assistant Professor. 2013-2017
Stanford University, Electrical Eng., Postdoc, 2011-2013
University of Southern California, Electrical Eng., PhD, 2010
University of Southern California, Electrical Eng., MS, 2004
Seoul National University, Mechanical Eng. , BS,1997
Seoul Science High School, 1993
Postdoctoral Fellow
Perrine Marsac
Postdoctoral fellow
Sorbonne Universite, France, PhD (Biomedical imaging & image processing)
Sorbonne Universite, France, MS (Engineering sciences)
Sorbonne Universite, France, BS (Electronic engineering)
E-mail: perrine.marsac AT
Graduate Students
Ji-won Han
PhD candidate
MS in Astronomy
Topic: HUGS image super-resolution
E-mail: jiwon.han AT
Eun-Ji Lee
MS candidate
BS in Biomedical Eng
Topic: Tactile illusion prediction
E-mail: rebirth4789 AT
Jo-Eun Jeong
MS candidate
BS in Mechanical & Biomedical Eng
Topic: X-ray based osteonecrosis grading
E-mail: jje5976 AT
Hye-Bin Lee
MS candidate
BS in Computer Eng
Topic: MRA super resolution
E-mail: hebin810 AT
Ji-Ho Lee
MS candidate
BS in Mechanical & Biomedical Eng
Topic: White matter hyperintensity prediction
E-mail: jiholee989 AT
Min-Hyoung Kim
MS candidate
BS in Mechanical & Biomedical Eng
Topic: Bone density prediction
E-mail: asdasda213 AT
Ye-Jun Lee
MS candidate
BS in Mechanical & Biomedical Eng
Topic: Multiple sclerosis lesion detection
E-mail: yj000307 AT
Undergraduate Students
Chae-Won Lee, Data science, Ewha W University
Unbi Ryu, Electrical engineering, DGIST
Na-Hyeon Lee, MS student (2022.09-2024.08)
Min-Young Kim, MS student (2022.09-2024.08)
Chan-Joo Park, MS student (2022.03-2024.02), After-MIL: Hyundai Motor
Min-Young Kim, MS student (2022.03-2024.02), After-MIL: Hyundai Motor
Hei-Jung Jang, MS student (2021.09-2023.08), After-MIL: Canon Medical Systems
Hee-Joo Lim, MS student (2021.03-2023.02), After-MIL: Posco Holdings
Hyeon-jeong Chung, Undergraduate Intern (2020-2021), After-MIL: Deep Bio
You-Won Shin, Undergraduate Intern (2018-2020), After-MIL: MS in KAIST
Ji-Eun Oh, Undergraduate Intern (2018-2020), After-MIL: MS in POSTECH
Minjie Zhu, PhD student (2016-2017 at Univ Maryland), After-MIL: PhD in UMCP
Eung-Joo Lee, PhD student (2016-2017 at Univ Maryland), After-MIL: PhD in UMCP
Rajiv G Menon, Post-doctoral fellow (2013-2016 at Univ Maryland), After-MIL: Research scientist at NYU